Gone But Never Forgotten

Now what?  The heat of the battle is over.  The battlefield has been cleared.  All is quiet.  Everyone has gone home.

Except for you.

As caretakers we spend months and months researching, driving to vet appointments, getting and giving the best food, some cooking, counter full of meds and supplements, and then all of a sudden it is done.  No fanfare.  No ticker parade.  It’s just over.  Our caretaker duties are done.  Our loved one is gone.  Our hearts are broken and empty.

And for my B’s blog page.  I no longer have updates on her progress or her crazy antics.  No more bubble videos.

Please don’t get me wrong.  I am doing ok.  I am healing.  But there is much to be patched up.

And as for my blog, I just don’t want my baby forgotten.  Because I will never forget her.  I will always love her.
