Brendol is doing GOOD! I’m beginning to relax! And things are getting back into a groove.
Her first Chemo was last week on Monday and I waited anxiously all week for any signs of side effects, but fortunately there were none.

Here’s a pic, not a good one, of Brendol and her incision site. Can’t wait for my poor baby’s hair to grow back in. So I have to play elevator service with both her and my other little girl. Aissa May has a patellar luxation and can’t make the jump up anymore, so we have the system down that when she is ready she puts her front paws up on the trunk and then I hoist the rest of her up. And now, Miss Brendol gets a lift down. Whew am I glad they are only about 50 pounds each. My bed is so tall, that I’m not sure a ramp would work… I don’t think there is enough room for it. We’ll have to just see how it goes.
Brendol has also decided that she doesn’t always want to go out to the back yard to potty as it requires her to go down 4 wooden steps. Well, she will go when she feels like it. But she doesn’t always feel like it when I want her to! 😀 So the new pattern is I let Aissa out the back, wait to see if Brendol wants to go or not. If the answer is no, then we get the leash and go out the front steps, which are 3 brick ones. She’s always happy with that option because she thinks she might get to go somewhere in the car. Boy does she have me figured out!
OH! And I have to tell ya. Brendol went exploring in the back yard on Saturday. I was just standing on the patio thinking that she is doing so good that maybe in the afternoon I’d go out to the back of the property and have her come with me. Before all of these issues, she would always go exploring in the back yard and in the woods (we have a large half-wooded back yard). She would also always walk the perimeter before coming back in at night. She hadn’t done any of that in a long time. Just as I was thinking about all of this, what did she do? She headed out to the back. She went into the woods and snooped around and then came back up after checking it all out. Fortunately it’s winter and the trees are bare, so I could keep an eye on her the entire way. But I was so happy to see her doing some of the things that she used to enjoy.
SO… just wanted to share that things are going well. There are a lot of posts with the sad things and sometimes we just need to hear the good news even if it just means they went for a walk in the yard! Catch you next time.
Karma and Brendol