Brendol’s x-rays today showed no signs of anything to be worried about. 😀
Here is baby girl on our way home.
Chemo 4 Day
She got some ice cream on the way home and is now resting comfortably at my feet on the couch. And, the other day I ordered a “Bubbletastic Dog Bubble Machine” that comes with 8 oz. of bacon scented dog bubbles! We should have it in time for her 3 month ampuversary. She is going to go nuts.
I dropped Miss Brendol off this morning for her 4th chemo treatment and the bloodwork was a go. Yay! I thought it might be because she has been more energetic this round than the last. When Dr. Dorfman came out to talk to me today, he suggested that since we are close to the 3 month mark, we get her chest x-rays done today too. I’m glad we didn’t “schedule” this, or I might have been more anxious about today. My gut tells me that they will be good.
I will post later when I have results. This morning, Dr. Dorfman said she was busy in the back giving everyone kisses 😉
It was a beautiful day outside, although pollen riddled. The girls and I spent some time outside, my primary goal was to work on “Come” with Adelaide. But we got some playing done too. I pulled out the bubbles (non-toxic animal friendly) and Brendol had some fun.
(Sorry it’s not fully centered on Brendol, it’s difficult holding the phone and the bubbles and blowing bubbles all at the same time)
Well, our bloodwork was good today so round three is done! Brendol’s white blood cells came back up to normal from last week and her neutrophils were good too. She was a happy girl going into see the vet this morning. Our plan is to do bloodwork in three weeks and see how it’s looking and then perhaps get number four done. Her protocol was anywhere between 4 and 6 treatments, depending on how well she is doing on them. I’m still concerned with her being so tired, so I’ll be keeping a close eye on her after this round.
Today is Brendol’s 2 month ampuversary! Two Months! Whew.
She’s doing pretty good. It’s been more hectic the past 3 weeks with the introduction of her new sister Adelaide. Brendol is fairly neutral about the new addition. She still has her spot on the couch, her spot next to me in bed and her toys. As long as that doesn’t change, I thinks she’s like, “whatever”.
She has gotten some new toys. Which she always loves of course.
And now the weather is getting nice, so we are spending more time outside playing with Aissa and Adelaide.
Her third chemotherapy treatment is on Monday. The only thing that’s had me concerned is that it seems the chemo is making her pretty tired. She hasn’t had any GI issues, no nausea, no lack of appetite. She had lost a little weight the first few weeks after her amputation, but now she’s getting really yummy food with her regular kibble, so at her last weigh in she had gained 1/2 a pound. 😀 We will see how she does after her third chemo, but part of the decision to go forward with the chemo was contingent on her still having a good quality of life, and if the chemo knocks the wind out of her sails too much, I may decide to stop that avenue of treatment.
But for today, we are happy and cuddling. Happy Ampuversary my dear sweet baby girl!
Brendol went in today for her 3rd chemo treatment. Well, April Fool’s, her bloodwork isn’t good enough to proceed today. No chemo for us. We will try again next week. Other than being tired, she has been doing well. We even managed to get her to gain a 1/2 a pound this past week. Here was B on our way to the vets (sorry for the quality, I was at a stop light trying to get a shot).