Well, our bloodwork was good today so round three is done! Brendol’s white blood cells came back up to normal from last week and her neutrophils were good too. She was a happy girl going into see the vet this morning. Our plan is to do bloodwork in three weeks and see how it’s looking and then perhaps get number four done. Her protocol was anywhere between 4 and 6 treatments, depending on how well she is doing on them. I’m still concerned with her being so tired, so I’ll be keeping a close eye on her after this round.

OK, Brendol! Rest up, young lady. Take it easy, but try not to let your mom get too worried about you, ok?
Sweet Brendol—-heck yea that chom’s working!!!Those eyes say it all!!!
Really Brendol, I know your Mom’s worried even though she continues to put on that brave face but it does seem “normal” from everything I’ve read that low energy doesg go along with chemo sometimes……sometimes riright from the start and sometimes it just kicks in when it feels like it. But I tell you what, you look great andI kknow you are enjoying every second of being spoiled!!
Keeping all paws everywhere crossed for you and conti UE to look forward to your updates.
The best to you and your mom! Sally and Happy Hannah
Way to go Brendol. Keep kicking cancer’s butt. Keep those blood cells doing what they need to do so you can get what yo need.
YEAH BRENDOL! You keep studyin’ for those blood tests ya hear? don’t let Jill be a bad example for ya 😉
Keep on hoppin’ Brendol!
Hey Brendol! Sounds like you’re on the downhill side of this chemo thing. Show everyone how it’s done!
Yipeeeee! You did it! I knew you could.
Stay strong, let your Momma spoil you and if she hovers too much over the next few days, forgive her, she’s only human.
Congrats sweet lady!