We are done! Number 6 was today! No more IV Chemo! WooHoo!
Tag: Chemotherapy
Brendol Bubbles
This isn’t a new picture, it was debuted in the slideshow that I posted earlier. However, this is the picture I decided to get blown up. It evokes great feelings because my Brendol baby is so happy and just loves her bubbles.
As a quick update, Miss B is doing good. She was a little tired this past weekend from the chemo; however she has rallied through the week and is back to getting into trouble. If all things go as planned, she will have her last chemo treatment in 10 days, just 4 days after her 4 month ampuversary! Yay!
Hope everypawdy out there is doing well and having happy moments in the now.
Karma and Brendol
Brendol’s Third Round
Well, our bloodwork was good today so round three is done! Brendol’s white blood cells came back up to normal from last week and her neutrophils were good too. She was a happy girl going into see the vet this morning. Our plan is to do bloodwork in three weeks and see how it’s looking and then perhaps get number four done. Her protocol was anywhere between 4 and 6 treatments, depending on how well she is doing on them. I’m still concerned with her being so tired, so I’ll be keeping a close eye on her after this round.

Round Two – Done!
Brendol had her second round of chemo today. All went well. Platelets were back up to normal. Her white blood cell count actually went down from last week which we weren’t expecting but the vet wasn’t alarmed by that. Brendol had a full fun day – I know – a fun day getting chemo. But she loves going. Check out her video from this morning when she found out we were going.
So the vet tech commented on how Brendol doesn’t appear to have been slowed down one bit by her amputation. And, while I see a little bit of a change, I have to agree that she is getting around really well. It’s not quite been 5 weeks, and you can see how good she’s moving.
We came on home (in the yucky rain), and I think this look is one of “I don’t want my picture taken, mom!”
Now that we are home, she is pooped. The below pic is her getting ready to crash on the couch with her buddy Mathilde. Okay, so they aren’t usually really buddy buddy, but for tonight we are all cuddles. I’ll take it!