I got arms that long to hold you
And keep you by my side.Just call on me and i’ll send it along
With love from me to you.
Dear Brendol,
Today, it has been 10 days that you have been gone. Do you know how much I miss you?
I know you are whole and happy and painfree once more. Where you are, I hope there are millions of bubbles floating in the air and tinker-bells dancing across the grass for you to chase. I hope you were greeted by Allegra and Sadie. You always loved playing with Sadie and I’m sure she is happy to have company now. Don’t aggravate Allegra too much, even though you think it’s fun.
Have you met up with our online friends? We’ve heard so much about them and now you can play with them. Be sure to look for Sassy, Shooter, Wookie, Dakota, Maggie, Bogi, Kermit, Franklin, and Jerry! And there are probably some other friends that will be joining you soon, so make sure you are a good host and show them the ropes when they get there.
Your sisters miss you too. Aissa didn’t eat very well for a week and you know how much she loves to eat. And Adelaide has had a bad tummy. You know Mathilde and Morrigan don’t pay much attention, we can’t expect much from them as cats, but I know they miss you too.
I love you so much. I don’t have anybody to cuddle with me just perfectly as you knew how. You would get as close as you possibly could without actually laying on top of me! I loved that feeling. And our weekends where you would come squish in between me and the couch and lay down where I could watch the tv or work on the computer but still feel you near me and rub your head and your super soft ears. Nobody can snuggle as well as you! Your dollies are all still laying around the living room where you left them. Aissa has played with your sheep, but you two shared good anyway. I did put your hippo up because that was your favorite and I don’t want it ruined. Every day, when I head upstairs, it is disappointing now to see that you haven’t messed up the bed or taken the pillows into the bathroom. I know I teased you about that, but it really was endearing.
Did you see that Rene and Jim put up a banner on the tripawd site for you? It is very cute (of course, because it is of you). I also hung a big picture of you with all your bubbles on my office wall where I can smile upon you nearly everyday. And Miss Katy and Jackson did a little video of Jackson learning about bubbles because they heard how much you loved them. Rupa heard of your passing and she put up a pretty picture of you on her facebook to tell everybody what a sweet girl you were. So I hope you can feel how much everybody loves you. Nobody more so than me.
Please don’t worry about your momma. I will be ok. Aissa and Adelaide will help take care of me. My heart does hurt and I may still cry often, but it is just because you were such a special girl. You know that I fell in love with you the very first time we met. And I am so happy you didn’t have to stay with that awful man. You deserved so much because you had such a sweet soul. I can’t think of anybody you didn’t like. I mean, I know you scared the neighbor kids when they were running through our yard, but they deserved that. And you didn’t dislike them, you just knew they didn’t below in the yard. I wish I could still kiss you on your soft nose. And rub your forehead until you fell asleep. And hold you super tight when you are afraid of your farts (I know, they scared you). I spent over 12 years wanting to make everything the best it could be for you, so now I miss that part of my job.
Anyway, I am waiting to be able to go pick up your cremains. I ordered a really pretty urn for you and Rene is going to make a pretty charm with your name on it to hang on the urn. Have fun where you are. All I ever wanted was your to be happy. Know I love you. I miss you. I will think of you often. And some day, I will see you again.
With all my love, from me to you.

- Brendol and baby Aissa

I just know that Brendol loves getting letters from her Mom. I will never see bubbles again without thinking of Brendol. How wonderful to know that Shooter and her have finally met and are telling stories together.
Take care.
Thank you Luanne, I hope you are doing alright.
A beautiful letter to Ms B. I am so glad Sassy & B got to meet and they went to the bridge the same day at least we know that besides family members they had each other. I know what you mean with the snuggles.
Michelle & Angel Sassy
On my students first day of school, Tuesday, they saw the picture of Brendol on my computer background, and I told them the story of my dog, Angel, having her leg amputated due to cancer in July. I am sure they wonder why I don’t change the picture to Angel, but I told them that we all need inspiration and encouragement to do what is right, and when I was waiting for Angel’s surgery day, I could see a beautiful dog of similar breed and age that encouraged me to do what I needed to do for my girl. I told them I did not meet Brendol, and she may not have known it, but she helped me make the decision to have the surgery, so she really saved my girl’s life and I cherish every minute I have with my Tripawd. Thank you precious Brendol and Karma for sharing your information with me in a timely manner so I could do what I had to do.
A lovely tribute, Karma. Brendol was so perfect! It’s funny that her farts scared her, too, as Jackson is the same way. Who knew?! All these special pups passing has me a pool of tears. I mourn for Brendol and you. She’s in a good place right now, although the best place is your heart.
~ Katy & Jackson
Brendol’s sweet and loving spirit will always be with you, Karma. It surrounds you and fills the empty spaces in your home. She had way too much spirit to simply go away. Always and forever, that’s where she is.
I love how you tie in the Beatles…….it was as though their words were written for the relatinship you and Brendol have.!
I love getting to know her even better thtough your “letter from the heart” to her.
You jave me smiling through tje tears as I picture jer taking the illows off the bed and taking them into the bathroom:-) How could we even begin to think what was going on i ner mind! She k ew though and she had a erfectly good reasn for doing it!
Was she really afraid of her farts? Really? You had to hold her to comfort her? Now come on Karma……time to fess up.–…whose farts was she REALLY afraid of?? Could it be someone else’s ? Hmmmmmmm…….we’re just wondering over here!
I’ve not seen tjese earlier pictures. It was especially nice to see Sadie and to kow that they are sitting side by side reading yor letter and wagging. And to see Aissa as a puppy is quite a treat too.
Brendol is such a beautiful dog. I love looking at that sweet face with that magnificant bone structure. A strong, yet very gentle face..
Karma, thank you so much for sharing these wonderful memories. I look froward to hearing more about Brendol and your pack……and, as always, seeing more ictures! And you know what, she even looked prettier (if that’s possible) as she turned gray! Some woman age much better than others! It’s hard to believe she is twelve!
Karma, you are still doing things to make Brendol happy…….you are staying here with us and that makes us all very happy:-) 🙂
May your dreams be sweeter and sweeter and you close your eyes and hold Brendol tight.
Sally and Happy Hannah
This is such a beautiful letter. I can feel every single emotion as if it were my own. I know Brendol was your girl but theres a part of me that felt I lost my own when she passed. I know she is looking down on you and is not worrying – she knows the rest of your pack knows how to take care of you, she taught them all well.
She was one lucky girl to have you as her mama and vice versa.
All my love always,
Beautiful… and I am so glad you shared your letter with us here.
I’ve come to believe that this is a great way of healing as well. Yes, it does bring tears at times.. but it is good for the heart and soul. After all, we are proud pawrents and want everyone to know how special our sweet furkids were.
Keep posting memory pictures.. keep writing memory blogs..
It brings smiles :O)
Christine….. with Franklin in her heart♥
I’m not sure I’ve ever read a sweeter, more touching letter to a best friend.
Karma, your ability to cope with Brendol’s loss is such a gift to her, for now her spirit can rest in peace and run free knowing that her Momma is as strong and brave as she ever was. She taught you well.