Merry Christmas Baby

Whew, sometimes the memories of you and sadness that you are no longer here hits me suddenly and like a ton of bricks.  I was talking with Star’s mom, Jayne, tonight and her pictures of Coco sure reminded me of you.  So I showed her some of your beautiful pictures and a video of you and your bubbles… with tears streaming down my face.  Of course, your video also made me smile.  You were such a special girl.  I may not blog about you much, but you are never far from my heart and mind.  This Christmas you would have been approximately 14.  Your birthday was most likely in December by vet estimations.  For any new readers, or old friends that just want to reminisce with me, here are a few oldies and goodies (turn your volume down)…


Love you forever baby girl!

Author: Karma

My furry family and I live in Atlanta. I care for a 12 year old pittbull mix (Brendol) who underwent an amputation of her front right leg for bone cancer. I also care for a 10 1/2 year old chow/border collie mix (Aissa) and two sister cats that are 3 (Mathilde and Morrigan).

11 thoughts on “Merry Christmas Baby”

  1. Karma,
    I am right there with you. Thank you again for sharing B with us tonight in the chat. I think of her often. I loved each & everyone of these videos.

    Michelle & Angel Sassy

  2. Ohhhhh Karma! We know you miss her so…as do we!

    But you know what? And I mean this….even thought I have that “dull ache” in my heart while watching these, I have a big smile planted on my face…one of those ear to ear grins!! Here is no way you cannot smile when you see the sparkle in her eyes! They are soooo bright, so happy, so joyful!!!

    I remember the very first post of Brendol and her bubble machine! She just loved that thing! I remember Katy posting a video of Jackson popping bubbles in honor of Brendol when she went to the Bridge (the old fashion way…the little round plastic thing with Katy blowing bubbles through it).

    And I always remember in every single video, every single photo, how happy she was, whether snuggling with you on the sofa or getting ready to go on her walk…ALWAYS hap o y…and always so well loved!!

    I know you think of her everyday. Some days it seems like “it” never happened….some days it seems like it was yesterday…and some days “it” seems so far away…and it always hurts. But then a fun memory jumps into the scene and helps to push the sadness back in the shadows and you are bathed once again in Brendol’s light and joy.

    Happy Birthday Brendol! You and Lawrence Welk must be having a blast!!

    You nave touched our hearts forever sweet Brendol! And you will NEVER be forgotten!!

    We love you Karma…you and all the pack!!! Thank y o u soooo much for sharing these great videos today! Just loved them!

    Sending you love and surrounding you with the happiest Brendol memories!

    Sally and My Eternal Light Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle too!

    1. Sally, you always have the sweetest things to say. Thank you for making me cry with a smile on my face. The sadness of her not being here is more bearable knowing that others that never met her in person care so deeply about her anyways.

  3. Oh karma I’m sorry if I upset you. Brendol’s pictures are so beautiful, and she was so lucky to be so loved. It means a lot to me and star that you share her with us.

    1. Please don’t worry Jayne. Sharing her with others keeps her alive. Just occasionally, the emotions sneak up on us. Thanks

  4. What a lovely girl!!! Such a happy little soul. Her memory lives on through you, Karma. I am new to this blog, but I know your pain, having lost animals of my own. We never stop loving them. And we never stop missing them. Definitely shows that we are better for having them in our lives!!

  5. Oh these are sooooo great!!!! Thank you for sharing a glimpse of what a wonderful life she had with you! I always love learning more about your girl. And I’m feeling the same way this holiday season … my girl is always in my heart and soul. Even if I don’t speak about her! Hugs!
    Alison with the Spirit of Shelby fur-ever in her heart (and little Jasper too)

  6. Hi Karma

    Thanks for sharing those wonderful videos with us!

    Brendol and her bubbles – such a happy girl 🙂

    Many hugs

    Linda and Tucker

  7. Oh my gosh the holidays make me cry at the drop of a hat too, so many memories. And for you, with B’s birthday this time of year, I know it’s especially hard. Thank you for sharing these fun clips with us, they made me smile and I’ll bet they did for you too. {{{{hugs}}} xoxo

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