April Fools Day on Us

Brendol went in today for her 3rd chemo treatment.  Well, April Fool’s, her bloodwork isn’t good enough to proceed today.  No chemo for us.  We will try again next week.  Other than being tired, she has been doing well.  We even managed to get her to gain a 1/2 a pound this past week.  Here was B on our way to the vets (sorry for the quality, I was at a stop light trying to get a shot).

Brendol on way to chemo #3

Author: Karma

My furry family and I live in Atlanta. I care for a 12 year old pittbull mix (Brendol) who underwent an amputation of her front right leg for bone cancer. I also care for a 10 1/2 year old chow/border collie mix (Aissa) and two sister cats that are 3 (Mathilde and Morrigan).

6 thoughts on “April Fools Day on Us”

  1. To me, that picture says Joke’s on you Mom….I’m taking another week or so off andyou just don’t know it yet!

    Even though it’s to be a “normal” expectation and just a “normal” bump in the road..it’s still an ‘ole’ darn’
    She’s such a pretty girl with such a beautiful face….is the sunlight ON her or is all that serene light coming FROM her?

    Lots of love, Sally and Happy Hannah

  2. APRIL FOOLS !! It sometimes happens with people too that the numbers aren’t right and the next week they are! Miss Brendol, you are glowing! Good luck for next week!

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